Videos on your loved ones page need to first be uploaded to either Youtube or Vimeo, then the link can be embedded into your loved ones page by copying and pasting the link into the box we have provided.
Create an account at
Upload the video
Set the video to "unlisted" or "public"
Unlisted: the video won't show up in YouTube search results
Public: Anyone can search YouTube and find the video
Private: Only visible to you when you're logged in. This option WILL NOT work on your Our Tributes webpage
Copy the URL
Paste the URL into the Our Tributes video field
Tap Save
Create an account at
Upload the video
Make the video public
Copy the URL
Paste the URL into the Our Tributes video field
Tap Save
Still having issues?
If you are able to paste the video URL, but the video still does not show on the page, or presents an error, check the privacy settings of your video. For the video to display on your Our Tributes page for everyone to see, the video must be set to public.
If you are still having issues, please reach out to our support team, we'd be happy to help!